Starting a business with less than 0

Shalane Lee-Chin
3 min readJan 20, 2021

Here are five ways of starting your own business when in debt or with little budget.

Starting anything can seem like the most mammoth task and no doubt very intimidating. Especially when you are in a place when everything feels like it's caving in, how can you possibly seem to do this?

I got you, love; here are five tips I used when I was heavily in millions of dollars in debt, about to start over, but instead, these tips below took myself and my business out of the gutter.

  1. Create a deep desire: Everything is created from someone’s desire. However, the problem many of us have is that today we have one desire and tomorrow another. We often try to get into something new off impulse due to our current situation or create a desire due to someone else's expectations, as we lack the confidence to go after what we really want. However, you are a creator, and again everything was created from a single desire. So think of it, what is it you really want to achieve?
  2. Visualization: So you have seriously given some thought into who the new you is. Now it is time to show up as her! The revamp you, what is she like? Does she have a great body, does she speak well? What quality exemplifies her? Honey, if you just wrote this all down, and realize that you have none of these skills, then you know where you should be applying for your next job to gain experience. Never forget the desire; the next job is the only school for your true desire.
  3. WHY: We hear this all the time; we need a why, as cliche, as it sounds. However, it is the “why” that will get you through those crucially tough moments when nothing seems to be going your way. This is why the “why” cannot solely be to make money, because usually, the first 5 years of business is just a ton of lessons and test. How do you want to be remembered to the world after you have departed? This answer will help formulate that great “why.”
  4. Understanding money is energy: Do you think money is the root of all evil? Honey, that simple mindset is blocking your money blessing. Money is like a boyfriend, be jealous and keep hoarding him, and he will leave you high and dry. Love him, embrace him, and know that every day he will be there to support your needs, and honey, he will follow through. You have to have faith in your money and look at it as good energy that will create wealth for you and your family, keep it flowing at all times, share it when you need it the most. Yes, you heard me, have good intentions with your money; when you spend it, spend it with the intention that it will bring blessings to another, and it will come back to you ten-fold. You will see how this shift in perspective changes your money game.
  5. Work from the inside out. Connections are key, and if you don't know someone to assist in this new venture, chances are someone in your inner circle knows someone who does. Check-in with your circle, share your ideas, and see what floats up. Yes, share your ideas, because honey, only you have the resources of “you” to make that idea shine. No one else can do it like you, so stop thinking limited that someone will steal your idea.

Also, do not forget the power of that cell-phone device you have in your hand. It can send you from 0 to 100 in record time with the right dedication. So invest your time well and remember starting over is the easy part, the consistency to follow through and persevere that is all you, you badass boss babe.



Shalane Lee-Chin

Hi, I am Shalane, Bad-ass boss babe and feel good expert. Commited to have you feeling your best to share your gifts to the world.